Sunday, September 25, 2011


I'm reading and doing the exercises in The Artist's Way and the 'Basic Principles' say that your creativity is between you and God; most people don't look at it that way, they don't want to put themselves in the same realm as God.

We have to put ourselves into God's realm in order to think we are worthy of his help. The Brother of Jared had to think highly enough of himself in order to see the finger of the Lord. Moses had to have thought the same way too.

People think far too low of themselves. In the Psalms, David said, "What is man, that thou art mindful of him?" I believe that God is aware of us and that He loves us. He is always there, and He shares His presence with us. Maybe it's we who won't allow ourselves to feel His presence.

We need to think higher of ourselves and believe that we deserve to have good things in our lives. We need to not just hope, but believe.

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Dryer Won't Work

Um, I don't think our dryer will work in this condition.

Per took it apart because it wouldn't work. He first thought that coins stopped the drum from turning. When he took it apart, he found a broken part and said "We're lucky it didn't short out the motor." He worked on it some more and determined that the motor is bad. He's gonna order a new motor and, voila! we'll have a working dryer.

I'm thankful that he's so handy. Do you know that in the 20+ years we've been married we've never needed someone to fix a repair? It's true.

UPDATE: We received a new motor this week. Per installed it on Saturday and now we have a functioning dryer. Thank you Per!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

To Be or Wannabe

Sometimes the person who's rich doesn't flaunt their money - they just act normal - because being rich is just how they are. Alternatively, sometimes the person who doesn't have money acts rich because being rich is how they want to be; they really aren't rich but just pretending.

I believe that people need to be authentic/real and not pretend because pretending is fake. Also, I believe that if a person wants to be a certain way they need to believe they already ARE that way-that's not pretending; pretending is wishing and believing is being.

A person I know only says positive statements; they also don't like to hear negative things. In my mind, ignoring the negative doesn't mean that a person is positive. To me, when a person ignores the negative they pretend they were positive but they really aren't; if they were truly positive they'd be willing to hear negative things, too.

It's unrealistic to think that a person will never speak negatively. Strong-minded people don't let other people's statements affect what they think, and other people's thoughts don't change their opinion unless they allow it. People need to be willing to hear other opinions; they need to be willing to hear both negative and positive things while believing in their own thoughts.