Friday, April 08, 2011


The thing that holds our society together is respect. We have different ways of solving problems but respecting each other allows us to be civil.

It seems like today respect and civility have flown out the door. People say things online they would never say in person. If you disagree with someone they call you names or try to bully you into thinking their way. Some people feel intimidated when they are called names or bullied and conform instead of standing up for what they believe. Most people don't like confrontation and will sacrifice their beliefs to keep the peace. Another thing is people are too busy to think about the fact that they are being bullied, they don't want to deal with it so what happens? The bully wins.

I used to be one of the busy people but my life slowed down a lot when I got sick and stopped working. I started noticing bullies because I wasn't living on auto-pilot. I wasn't just doing the same thing every week and became aware and conscious of things going on around me. I realized that when I was living on auto-pilot I was like a sheep or cattle being directed because I didn't want to deal with it.

I think that's what our government meant by saying something like "people are too stupid to make their own decisions so we do it for them". It's not that people are too stupid, it's that people are too busy and don't want to deal with things. They think "let someone else do it" then complain because it's not being done the way they would do it.

Others have made decisions that people don't like, but the same people who don't like it were complacant and too busy with their lives to stand up.

I think it's time to stand up and wake up! Do we really want to lose our respect for each other and take a giant step backward?

1 comment:

Colette said...

Jade, I could not agree with you more. I know I am one of the "busy" people, but at least I think I really try to respect others ( if I don't my mother would find a way to knock me upside the head )

I feel like I have really tried to pass that on to my children, but I have to admit that times are different now, and I don't think I have gone beyond teaching them what I grew up knowing and not introducing anything that deals with the changes we have had.

You have made at least one person stop and think..... and I thank you for that :)