Monday, September 09, 2013

My Personal Gethsemane

These words (from the song below) get me in my heart, 'My Lord Jesus, if you've got time to spend with me tonight then fly to me, Jesus fly.' When I feel sad, I think of something similar to, 'fly to me, Jesus fly.' In those quiet moments with just myself, when I'm in pain, I want Jesus to take my pain away.

God took away the pain I felt in my heart one time when I felt sad. (I cry because I truly love Him, and because I feel very grateful for what He did.) I consider myself the one sheep that the good shepherd left the other 99 sheep to find. A shepherd cares about every one of his sheep; if one got lost he would leave the flock to find it, and if it got wounded, he would care for and heal it. I was sad (wounded,) and God cared for me and healed my soul.

God loves every one of us-His children. Satan wants us to hate ourselves and to think we're not worthy of God's love; but we are. Satan lies to us, and tells us things that aren't true because he wants to hurt God by hurting us. Satan doesn't want us to feel good, he wants us to feel that he can control us with his lies, and so that we will believe him and be his. Truthfully, he just wants to win and to be better than God. Satan doesn't care about our fate; he couldn't care less if we burned in hell. God, on the other hand, cares about us, he wants to help us, and he cares about our eternal future. 

I believe that listening to God produces feelings of sureness, security, and confidence in believing that good things are deserved. Also, I believe that Satan whispers lies in my mind that cause me to feel unsure, insecure, and to only hope that desirable things are possible but not to believe that they're attainable. The good things (such as lessons learned, etc.) from suffering make my suffering (trials) worth it.

The first four paragraphs of the following song were written with the perspective of being in heaven and seeing Jesus suffer in Gethsemane.

My Lord Jesus
Me in heaven, You on earth
You're in the garden
And Your heavy burden is growing worse 
I weep for You, Jesus

My poor Jesus
I'm so sorry to make You cry
But I'm far from like You
And all my sins, Lord, demand this price

I wish that I could come to You
And wipe away the blood
And then I'd bear Your cross, Lord
If I could
But I'm up here
And You're down there, Jesus

My poor Jesus
I'm so sorry to make You die
But, please, for me, Jesus

Now Lord Jesus
You're in heaven and I'm on earth
Now it's my turn
And my little burden is getting worse
I weep for me, Jesus

Oh kind Jesus
I keep trying to win this fight
But I just can't change me
I need Your grace, Lord
Please provide

I wish that I could run to You
And all of this would end
If I could see Your face
Have You close again
But You're up there
And I'm down here, Oh Jesus

My Lord Jesus
If You've got time to spend with me tonight
Then fly to me, Jesus

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