People like variety but no one likes change. People like to do different things but they want the core things they know to reliably be there. People depend on their knowledge, their ability, their family, and their country. And, they are really creatures of habit. If something familiar in their life changes - they don't like it. They want what they know. They don't want the new thing but the thing with which they are familiar.
In job interviews the question is often asked: "how are you with change?" They probably mean "are you comfortable doing whatever is asked, or would you rather do the same thing only?"
Imagine asking an assembly line worker (who does the same thing over and over) how they are with change. (Actually, I think some assembly line workers like variety. But they also like getting a paycheck. I think that's why they'll do whatever they are told - even if it's the same thing eight hours a day and seven days a week.)
Imagine asking an assembly line worker (who does the same thing over and over) how they are with change. (Actually, I think some assembly line workers like variety. But they also like getting a paycheck. I think that's why they'll do whatever they are told - even if it's the same thing eight hours a day and seven days a week.)
There is a difference between a person who likes to do various things and a person who likes to do just one thing. Think of an assistant who never knows what they might do and a person who does data entry all day. Both people probably think I would never do that. The assistant probably thinks the data entry job seems boring. The data entry person probably thinks the assistant's job seems unsure.
Both people do different things, but neither of them would like something with which they are familiar to change.
President Obama's political platform was change. People elected him because they wanted things to change but when things changed too drastically, people said "I wanted change but not that kind of change." Now some people want to elect someone who will put things back to the way they were. People say things are broken in Washington. They call for reform. They say they want it but do they really? If reform happens and things change, I'm guessing that people won't like it and will want it to go back to the way it was. In my opinion, our President is the only thing in Washington that will ever change.
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