Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Life is Good!

I read an excellent book yesterday called "Consider the Butterfly" by Carol Lynn Pearson. I remember reading her poems on the back of the Ensign in 7th grade, and my mom had her book "Beginnings" which was a collection of her poems. I came across this book (the butterfly one) years ago and it was no coincidence! It is about Syncronicity, the subtititle of the book says "transforming your life through meaningful coincidence" It's little stories of her experiences where she noticed coincidences in her life - very touching.

I gave the book away a few years ago to a young woman who I thought would really love it, but ever since then I've missed having a copy of my own. So I ordered one and I read the whole thing yesterday. Her words really touched me. It was like one those moments sitting in a big fluffy chair with a blanket wrapped around me and sighing - ahhhhhh - it felt so good.

I was looking on her website this morning because I wanted to get a copy of the book for my mom, I think she would really like it. As I was browsing her website, I clicked on the tab that said "telephone consultation" and read what it had to say. At the bottom there were three comments from people who really benefitted from talking to her. I thought-I don't feel like I need to have counseling, I don't feel like I need to talk to someone. My cup is full. I'm okay.

That was so huge for me! I started thinking how I've experienced healing of different things over the last 5 years, and how happy I am today. I don't need counseling, I've found what works for me and I've drawn closer to God, who is my biggest supporter! I just really appreciated realizing that.

One of my favorite quotes is "when the student is ready, the teacher appears" Isn't that so true? When we are ready to progress, somehow the thing we need appears before us. I have been a student and my teacher has appered several times in various ways. One of my teachers was this book. It reminded me of things I know are true. 1) everyone wants to be acknowledged. Once I was lonely and wanted to be heard. I'll never forget the day that I saw on my husband's face that he was really hearing me and it felt like we were meeting again for the very first time. It was healing. A space was created for the two of us to grow together.

2) the true voice speaks love. There are so many voices to listen to and I listened to negative ones for a long time. I remember the first time I prayed and really felt God's presence wrapped around me like a warm blanket. I felt so loved. I want to pay that forward in the way I speak to others. I learned once that there are two forms of honesty - negative and positive. There is an opposite to everything. It is up to me to speak love. Love creates. I want to create, not destroy.

Isn't that great?! I'm grateful for that book and the things that I learned. I'm okay, and it feels good!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Can't We All Just Get Along?

I've never known much about this country's history, and I haven't really cared. I have never been interested in the news, or what's going on around the world, I've just wanted to live in my own little world. But lately things are changing in government that will affect me and my own little world, so I've wanted to know things for myself instead of relying on what my husband tells me.

I started watching some programs on TV and reading books, and it has really opened my eyes. I'll admit right now, I tend to be conservative, so of course the things I watch and read are going to reflect that. I like Glenn Beck on TV, and I bought a book that he highly recommended on his show 'liberal fascism'. I've enjoyed reading it, but the thing that strikes me most is "why don't more people know history?" It seems like history just repeats itsself, and since people don't know history they think (like I did) that people's ideas are new. But they really aren't. The ideas were thought of long ago, and since people don't know history, it's bound to be repeated (even though it wasn't good the first time.)

The words "liberal fascism" seem so harsh. Almost offensive. I like people, even ones not like me, and I like hearing everyone's opinion. But it seems to me that people have agendas these days. It's sad because I tend to question people's motives instead of just believing them, because most people these days have motives other than what they are saying. For instance, commercials on TV. At first a commercial may seem to care about me, but in reality they are just trying to sell a product or an idea, and they know how to tug at my heart strings so I'll buy or buy into it. It's all marketing. It's not 'real'. Reading books and knowing history, being informed, helps me to see the 'real' instead of just falling for what people say.

I went to Glenn Beck's "Common Sense Tour" when he came to Kansas City. He said a couple of things that really hit me. 1) Every person has a voice. Even common people like me. We get scared into thinking that we have to have some degree, or have the perfect vocabulary, or have a political background in order to speak up. But it's not true. Every person has a voice and can make a difference in our society. If we don't like how things are going in America then stand up and be heard instead of just complaining around the kitchen table. It's not going to help anyone or change anything to just complain to the TV or to my family at dinner time.

2) Reach out to others, reach across the isle, Democrat of Republican doesn't matter, we are all just people and probably have more in common that you would think. Talk about the issues you are concerned about, be people not parties. I like that because it's true. Everyone has a story and things they like or are concerned about. It just creates separation to stay within your 'group'. For example, me and my sister. I'm conservative she is more liberal, or in plain terms, a democrat. But we don't talk about politics, we just talk about life and we have a lot in common. I am open to hearing her views and she is open to hearing mine. Another friend of mine is a democrat too, but same thing, we are friends and think a lot alike. I would like to have more friends like that because it's real. We're just people.

Like I said, I'm getting informed and that is causing me to want to stand up and speak. I just hope that others not like me will want to hear what I have to say. We are all just people. We all have opinions, I wish we could respect one another and be better listeners and try to understand each other.

I was thinking about "The View" on TV and how much I don't like that show. And I was thinking "why don't I like it?" The answer is, because they are mean and in your face. They don't try to understand other people, they just say mean things to people who don't think like them. Same with Bill O'Reilly. He attacks people who don't say what he wants them to say. Why would I watch that? Why do others watch that? It just creates separation, a divison among people. It upsets people. It offends. It doesn't create a sense of safety where people can talk and respect each other. It is mean and unkind. People...stop watching shows like that! Let's start listening to each other. Can't we all just get along?

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Some Days I Just Want to Vege

It's 4PM and I'm sitting at my computer, unshowered and still in my pj's. That's pretty daring to admit but it's true. Today I just want to vege, but that doesn't mean I haven't done anything. I slept in 'til 9, made pancakes for breakfast, read my scriptures, watched "so you think you can dance" which, by the way, I think is going to be amazing this year, watched Glenn Beck and The O'Reilly Factor on the DVR (I like Glenn Beck better...O'Reilly is too 'in your face' for me and he attacks people who don't say what he wants them to say, Beck is a better 'listener'), welcomed my husband home from a business trip (he came home earlier than I thought he would!), talked to him about the book I've been reading (liberal fascism) wrote in my journal, tried to pay my mortgage but the website was down, looked online at rugs and a headboard for Andrew's room, ate some pizza that Per cooked for lunch, talked to a gal about a party Andrew's going to tomorrow, took a couple of telemarketer calls, and updated my blog.

Now I guess I'll go take a shower and finish my day, which includes washing Andrew's bedding, swapping the pillows on Per's side with the ones on the spare bed downstairs, and making dinner. We'll see who get's kicked off "so you think you can dance" tonight. I don't think I'm the only one who takes a day to vege.