Saturday, April 05, 2014

Defening Truth

Satan's deceives people with lies, and I will point them out. I want to help people. Some of the tools Satan uses to deceive people are these:

When I allow myself to get riled up...especially on things I can't control...I feel upset. If I'd just not pay attention to it and change my focus, I'd feel peace. It's possible to feel fine amidst turmoil when I work on myself and focus only on the things I can change. It's not helpful to anyone to be Debbie Downer. Does assuming the worst do any good? No, it just makes me feel sad and miserable. Why condemn things and bring people down? Instead, I'll live my life and focus on being the best me possible.

Life isn't fair so why do I expect fairness? Isn't expecting fairness like being insane? The definition of 'insanity' = doing the same thing but expecting different results. There will always be unfairness somewhere, but I don't need to focus on it. Instead, I'll live my life and focus on being the best me possible.

Women are capable, intelligent creatures who can do many things. How does it help women to bash men when most women secretly love them? I understand that women want to be all they can be, but I think they can do it without blaming anyone. No one determines my accomplishments but me. I won't hate men. Instead, I'll live my life and focus on being the best me possible.

Attack on men/boys
Most men/boys are not considered 'gentlemen' these days. I beg to differ. I think that men/boys are gentlemen but their gentlemen-like acts are expected and unnoticed, and, I'm sorry to say, even AFTER men/boys are gentlemen sometimes other people think it's not good enough and they just want more. Granted, most men/boys don't hold open doors for people, pull out people's chairs so they can sit, or stand up when a lady enters the room, but:
  • How many men/boys pull up to the door (instead of just parking) so that people don't have to walk?
  • How many men/boys let people out to walk under covered walkways so people don't get wet when they themselves walk in the rain?
Those are just two examples of how men/boys are gentlemen these days, and I could give many more examples. Men/boys are not zombies who are at other people's beck and call. No, they are people who deserve the same respect that other people want. It's true that back in the day men/boys got things that women didn't. But to blame men/boys today for something that changed many years ago is like blaming them for something they can't control. I won't attack anyone. Instead, I'll live my life and focus on being the best me possible.

Attack on family
The definition of 'family' seems to be open for discussion. To me, a family is one that is made naturally and consists of a mom, a dad, and children. Of course I describe the ideal which isn't always the case, but the ideal should be what I strive for.The family described has been that way since the beginning of people...that a family consisted of a mom, a dad, and children. Families aren't perfect, sometimes they disagree, fight, and dislike things, but in no better place can a person also learn to love, to serve, and to think about someone besides themselves. Why fix something that's not broken? Why redefine something just to make it modern? I won't judge. Instead, I'll live my life and focus on being the best me possible.

Satan deceives people to get them to follow him. I know that some people don't believe in Satan and they can believe whatever they want. I believe he exists and I won't sit idly by and watch him deceive people without saying something.

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