Friday, August 23, 2013

The Many Forms of Love

There are many kinds of love. When I feel love, I could mistake it for 'passionate love' when it's not. It's OK to feel love, and to know that I'm not necessarily 'in love.' I'm sure there are other kinds of love that didn't make it to this list, but these are the kinds of love that I can think of. (Way to go! if you think of another one.)

Kinds of Love
Passionate Love
Parental Love
Sibling Love
Friend Love
Brotherly Love
Love of God
Love of Country
Love of Family
Love for people with whom I work
Love for people with whom I have something in common
Love for people I teach
Love for people I serve
Love for people in general

I'd rather feel love than hate! Love seems to lift, and hate seems to drag down. Love brings together and hate divides. I love that my country's Pledge of Allegiance says "One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." Some people don't want to say, "under God" ...that's another discussion. The words I want to emphasize are One nation and Indivisible...Also, part of my country's name says, "United." I feel proud to be an American. I feel good when I think of the things I love, and my heart feels happy knowing that I'm a part of many wonderful things.

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