Tuesday, February 24, 2009

It's All Perspective

So, Per and I were talking about my blog entry last night. He's so optimistic, I really appreciate his viewpoint. He said (after reading) "yeah, but you've had so many experiences and met so many people" He said the opposite happened to him, he grew up with the same people all his life, then when he moved away when he got older, he moved around and didn't know anyone. It's all perspective.

It's true. Life is how you look at it and after talking with him...I didn't feel like my childhood was pathetic because we moved so much...I saw it in a different light. How many people I've met, and experiences I've had. I have a lot of stories. So I'm not like the people on FaceBook. I wasn't like them then either, and that's okay. I wouldn't change it if I could do it all over again, because then I wouldn't have those life experiences in my memory.

Thanks, Per, for the reality check.


McLani said...

I like that... good stuff!

Kay said...

See,there you go! Per knows what he speaks of. You have a very wise husband.