Sunday, February 27, 2011


It seems like when a person disagrees with someone else sometimes they use bulling or intimidation tactics to get the other person to conform to their point of view.

The Govenor of Wisconsin said he wanted to eliminate union government employees from being able to bargain for their benefits and he wanted to pay them less so he wouldn't have to lay them off. He said it would save the state lots of money and allow them to balance the budget because government union workers get paid a lot of money due to what the unions negotiate. The unions didn't want to make any changes or have their methods questioned so union workers protested, said mean things about the bill and the Govenor and called him names.

This guy at FedEx parked in-between two handicap spaces, which isn't a parking space, and he didn't have a handicap thing on his car. Then was really loud and obnoxious inside the store. I think he was loud and obnoxious so people wouldn't call him on his bad parking behavior. The other people in the room didn't say anything to him (including me). No one said "you parked in the wrong spot" or "you're talking too loud" even though I'm sure some people noticed. Some people acted friendly toward him but probably thought things like you're obnoxious or a jerk, I know I thought those things. Sometime people do things that are wrong then are loud so others won't point out their behavior. Others are civil and "nice" and let those with bad behavior slip by because they think it's rude to say something and it's not nice to point out when a person does something wrong. Guess what? This loud and obnoxious form of bullying usually works.

If a person stands up for something and someone doesn't like it sometimes the first thing they do is say things to discredit them. I see this happen in the media all the time. If the media doesn't like something a person says or does, they dig up all kinds of dirt from their past and broadcast it to the world. What's the difference between their behavior and that of a journalist who reports things in a trashy gossip newspaper? Just because a person works for credible media like The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, or CNN doesn't mean that what they say isn't gossip. It's another form of bullying.

People are always going to disagree but where is the respect?

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