Monday, August 15, 2011

Don't Condemn

Love isn't condemning. When the sinner was brought before Jesus, he said "neither do I accuse thee." What love!

As I have gained more knowledge, I have felt less of a need to condemn the people who did me wrong. At some point we all do wrong. No one is perfect. Therefore, no one should be condemned. I'm thankful that HF doesn't condemn me. (Goodness knows that I do plenty of things wrong!) He just continues to love me.

I just realized that condemning is judging! Yet another thing I need to improve upon! Realizing my behavior is the first step to recovery, right?! Now that I realize I have this weakness, I can pray to HF and ask him to help me overcome it. I don't want to condemn people. My actions are a reflection of me. I want the things I do to reflect love, patience, and kindness.

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