Saturday, May 03, 2014

How I Think

I love this story:

One evening, an elderly Cherokee brave told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, "My son, the battle is between two 'wolves' inside us all. One is evil. It is anger, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith." The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf wins?" The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one that you feed".

I believe with every fiber of my being that the way I think is my choice and that what I think determines how I feel. Perhaps some people believe that I only have happy thoughts and feelings because I only post happy or positive things. That's not true! I have negative thoughts and feelings but I refuse to dwell on them and have them ruin my day. I'm in control and if I have an unhappy thought, I think about something good until I feel happy.

I can't control the thoughts that enter my mind, but I can control whether or not they stay. When I feel sad, I pamper myself and do things that make me eventually feel happy. (For example: I might watch my favorite movie, or listen to good music, or talk to a friend about something uplifting, or read an inspiring book.) It's up to me to make my day what it will be. I don't want to have a sad day so why would I dwell on sad things?

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