Everyone who reads my blog sees first hand that sometimes I have the tendency to assume the worst instead of hope for the best. I posted my previous post to indicate that I will honestly state how I feel without being afraid of what people think; that I'm willing to say my opinion even if people stop being my friend; and that I will stand by my beliefs even if I stand alone. My intention being said, I don't want to hurt or offend anyone. I care about my friends. Yes, I have my opinion but I don't need to rub it in anyone's face.
When I hear something bad, my first inclination is to get away from it. When I heard about bullets being purchased by homeland security, my imagination went wild. I didn't want to possibly be shot. I didn't want to have a leader who I felt didn't care about me. I didn't want to live in a country that could possibly turn on its people. (We are civilized, not barbaric. We don't act like what I see happening in Syria.)
All the thoughts of what I didn't want caused me to think about leaving my country. I thought about where I would go and considered Mexico or Central America - somewhere where the people had values like me. (They are a loving people and family oriented; though poor.) I considered why foreigners came to America and imagined taking the idea of freedom to them and lifting them out of their poverty. (I believe that foreigners don't want to leave the country they love, but they do it to have a better life.)
As I considered the idea of offering the American ideals to a people who need it, and the thought of lifting them out of their poverty, I got excited; I saw them in a different way than I ever had before; I wanted to be a part of helping people do something good. (To lift, not tear down.)
I have hope that my country will remain great, but reality tells me differently. Things are changing and I resist some changes. Nevertheless, I will say things that include hope so that people are encouraged by my writing. Lashing out isn't helpful, expressing myself in the best way is. One of my challenges is to think before I speak. I want to live in a loving place and hope that place is the United States of America.
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