The adversary can only tempt, not force me. Perhaps this knowledge was obvious to some people but I had never thought about it. In considering it, I see how he uses bad feelings to keep me in his clutches. When I think bad things, I'm his. And when I think good things, he inflicts bad feelings until I think bad things, and am his once again. Thinking good things is not arrogant or prideful. How is telling myself 'I love you' prideful or arrogant?
How convenient for the devil to say that he doesn't exist. When people believe that there's no hell, he wins. I'm good but he tries to convince me that I'm bad. He wants to bind me in the chains of my negative thoughts and drag me down to hell. Actually, he can only tempt, not force me, therefore, he can only whisper in my ear and make me feel bad. If I choose to believe his lies, I drag myself down to hell. I will choose to believe only the truth and think positive thoughts - even when I feel bad - and drag myself up to heaven.
Being religious isn't popular. In today's world a religious person is considered weak. Who instilled that idea?..Satan. He wants me to hate God and Jesus Christ, because he doesn't want me to choose them but to choose him. His fate has already been decided; and he lost. Lucifer (Satan, the devil, the enemy, the father of all lies) got kicked out of heaven; he and his followers were never born. He and his evil minions got sent to earth to cause me to choose good or evil, God or him, heaven or hell. I have the upper hand to him. I didn't get kicked out of heaven. I was born, but he's cunning. He knows me better than I know myself, because he remembers heaven and I don't. He knows that I was faithful and he wasn't. He whispers lies to me because he want me to believe him and take me away from God.
To some, this sounds unreal, because real is only what is seen. I disagree. Just because God, Jesus, and the Devil aren't seen doesn't mean that they don't exist. I realize that some people will think I'm just a religious kook who believes in a lie (They are the same kind of people who thought that Noah was a kook, even when the rain fell.) I don't really care if some people think I'm a kook. There will always be haters who only see the negative. I want to warn people not to fall into Satan's trap. I'm blatant. I say it like it is, and I'm not scared of the people who hate (bully.) People can choose to believe whatever they want.
When I choose the good and the positive, Satan doesn't like it. He's miserable and wants me to be miserable too. He is a liar, who may tell me what I want to hear, but he won't - absolutely won't - support me in the end. He whispers damning things in my ear, but I won't listen to him! I say, "I won't listen to you, Satan."
Saying positive things but thinking negatively doesn't mean that I'm positive. (It means that I 'want' to be positive, but it's not necessarily true in my heart.) When I choose to think positively, my inside matches my outside. I will think positive things - good things - not only say them. I will be authentic and avoid the enemy's trap.
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