Saturday, January 19, 2013

Using Facebook Again

I'm torn as to how to stay connected with my friends and family. On the one hand, people talk to each other on Facebook, but I don't want Facebook to determine what I do, therefore I'm willing to not use it. On the other hand, if I don't use Facebook, I won't know what's happening. People are most important to me and the thought of not talking to them is torture; therefore, I've decided to use Facebook again.

The scenario of not using Facebook reminds me of when I stopped using my iPhone for a year and started using my older phone because I didn't want to pay the data fee the phone company required me to have. At the time, I stopped using my iPhone and felt out of the loop for twelve months. (Eventually, my friends stopped texting me because I didn't text them back...because texting on that phone was hard. Also, I stopped texting my family for the same reason.)

I stopped using the current technology (my iPhone) because I didn't like something, and it made things worse. I felt so happy when I returned to my iPhone because, once again, I could communicate. (In thinking about my Facebook dilemma I realize that I may not like how things are, but I need to consider what's most important to me and not stop using it when I don't like something.)

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