Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day

My alarm woke me at 6:00 this morning. I got up early to make breakfast for my family to say "I Love You." I cored the strawberries to slice them and make little hearts. I made Swedish pancake batter and decided to make bacon to go with it.

I called to Per to come in the kitchen and find the little cast iron skillet for me (so I could make Pancakes.) Then I said "I need your help." He said "With what?" I said "Will you make the bacon...and the pancakes...and slice the strawberries...and whip the cream - basically everything!"

He's such a sweetheart - he made breakfast. He said "I think it's funny that you got up early to make breakfast for me, but now I'm making it!" I think it's funny too.

I want to do things for my family to let them know I love them, but I think they already know it. Nevertheless, I think we should have a nice breakfast - even if I don't make it.

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