Monday, May 19, 2014

Memories, Hopes, and Dreams

I have a box of things that belonged to me as a young girl. It's interesting to compare what I valued then to what I value now. Then I valued worldly things: my favorite comic strips, things I made, accomplishments, things I wore, and fan club memorabilia. What I value today isn't so tangible. Things I value now are things in my character like patience, kindness, mercy, and love. In today's world, I also value these things:
  • I love to learn. There are many ways to learn including from experiences, from books, from people, from music, from ideas, from seeing - hearing - touching - tasting - smelling things, from emotions, and from thinking. (I'm sure there are other ways to learn but these things are what came to me.) Learning expands my mind.
  • I love things that inspire me. It wouldn't matter if I couldn't see inspiring things with my eyes because I would see them with my mind.
  • I love the positive, the optimistic, and the good. I'm glad to see good things, not just the negative, the pessimistic, and the bad. I hope for things and have faith in good outcomes. I believe in the best.
Tangible things have value and they also don't. They don't because I can't take them with me when I die. They do because they remind me of people or my goals. I appreciate my old things, they aren't reminders of the future but are reminders of my youth.

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